Our New Hampton Metal Fabrication brand has been trusted for decades to engineer forms for a wide variety of manhole products, including eccentric and concentric cone forms, slab top forms, one-and-two-piece manhole base forms, one-and-two-piece manhole riser forms, manhole drop base and manhole drop riser form equipment, battery grade ring forms, single pour manhole grade ring forms and manhole joint rings.
Forming System Highlights
- 24”-144” Diameter forms available
- One piece, two piece or roll back option available on any manhole forms
- Manual, Quick Strip, or hydraulic collapsing cores available
- Step break off inserts available if required
- Many lift insert options available
- Block-outs available as needed. Bolt-on steel or magnetic UHMW.
- Catwalks available on any style form where applicable
- Customer specified joint as needed. Joints can be steel on steel for the ID and OD or rubber seal ID and OD.
Manhole Base Forms

We Have Battery Grade Ring Forms Too!
See our wide range of single pour and battery-style wetcast grade ring forming systems for both round (manhole grade ring forms) and rectangular (catch basin grade ring forms). Learn more.